Got the gardening bug? Check out these clever DIY Gardening Hacks and get inspired!

DIY Gardening Hacks:
DIY Raised Garden Bed
This super easy to build DIY Raised Garden Bed is the perfect option for hassle free gardening!

DIY Seed Starter Greenhouse (2 Liter Bottle Trick)
This DIY Seed Starter Greenhouse is a great way to get a jump-start on your seeds this growing season! Even better, you’ll never have to buy an expensive greenhouse kit from the store again!

How to Start Seeds in Eggshells
This tutorial for How to Start Seeds in Eggshells is a great way to get a jump-start on your seeds this growing season! Skip the seed starting trays and try this homemade germination egg carton with dome instead!

How To Grow Tomatoes In a Garden! {Pot and Raised Bed Tips}
Do you want some Tips for Growing Perfect Tomatoes this year?? Growing plump and delicious Tomatoes just got a lot easier with this BIG List of Tomato Plant Tips and Tricks!

Growing Leftover Romaine Lettuce Trick
With this easy Gardening Hack for how to grow romaine lettuce from scraps, you can grow romaine lettuce again and again, never having to run to the store whenever you need them. When you’re making your next salad, you’ll simply head outside and harvest some lettuce! It’s so nice to have it on hand and such a simple way to save a little money!
Growing Leftover Green Onions Trick
How would you like to never buy green onions again? With this easy gardening tip, you can grow green onions again and again, never having to run to the store whenever you need them!

Free Home Depot Gift Card for Your Gardening Supplies

7 Natural Soil Fertilizer Tricks
These 7 Natural Soil Fertilizer Tricks are great ways to enrich your soil! You may even end up with greener plants, larger flowers, and even bigger fruits and veggies!

How to Grow Corn From Popcorn Kernels
Did you know you that can actually grow corn from Popcorn Kernels? It’s crazy… and true!

DIY Wild Bird Treat
This DIY Wild Bird Treat is so simple to make and your feathered friends will love it! You will be amazed at all the beautiful varieties of birds that come to visit!

15 Tips for Growing Perfect Strawberries
If you want to grow big red juicy strawberries, be sure to check out these fun Strawberry Growing Tips!

DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden
If you love having fresh herbs for cooking and baking, this DIY Indoor Mason Jar Herb Garden will be like having herb heaven!

16 Perfect Watermelon Gardening Tips
Do you need some Watermelon Gardening Tips this year?? No one ever gets upset about having a pile of juicy Watermelons in the garden!

14 Successful Zucchini Growing Tips
Got the gardening bug? Check out these 14 Easy Zucchini Growing Tips to grow a great crop this year!

13 Tips for Growing Beautiful Roses
Thanks to these Rose Gardening Tips and Tricks… you’ll be gardening like a pro this year!

Milk Jug Watering Can
Got an empty plastic milk carton laying around? Check out this easy trick to make a Milk Jug Watering Can!

29 Gardening Gift Ideas! (Fun and Unique Gifts)